A collection of my poetry and prose.


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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Beauty is…..

I decided today that I would go back and talk about beauty that is discoverable in the world. So today, I want to talk about glass. And really it’s actually quite a massive topic.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale


Have you ever considered the mental and emotional changes you go through in life? Or even how you change, grow and develop? Someone made a chance remark to me today that got me thinking about it all.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

Wedding Anniversary

Was it REALLY 14 years ago I married Kevin? Yes, it was. My goodness, we are so different to the people we were then! I was in my 30s, having had my face reconstructed a couple of years before.

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Blog, Other, Autism Anika Drysdale Blog, Other, Autism Anika Drysdale


Some years ago, I was going to do some artwork in an app on my ipad, using a photo of me holding Johnathan in my left arm and the top of his head and face was near me.

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Blog, Other Anika Drysdale Blog, Other Anika Drysdale

I was wrong

It’s quite something when you have to admit you are wrong. And do you know what? Doing it helps you to continue to live life knowing you have recognised it, admitted it and apologised for it.

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Blog Anika Drysdale Blog Anika Drysdale

Homework and Autism

Well, well, well. Homework. Oh my! The tales I could tell of the nightmare that happens with homework. No matter what it is, there can always be an issue.

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Blog Anika Drysdale Blog Anika Drysdale

Obsessions and Autism

Obsessions? Really? Yes. Really. Now they are an integral part of life with autism. And I would say there are two types of them (if you can describe it like that).

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Blog Anika Drysdale Blog Anika Drysdale

Order and Autism

“Order?” you say. “Why on earth order?” Well, actually there’s a very good reason for it. People on the spectrum LOVE order.

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Blog Anika Drysdale Blog Anika Drysdale

A Short Trip Down Memory Lane

This evening I was chatting to my sister online and we were talking about antihistamines (of all things - I guess it shows how old we are, or something).

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Blog Anika Drysdale Blog Anika Drysdale

Must be done NOW with autism

One of the biggest things we have come up against with Johnathan is IMMEDIACY If something is going to be done, he doesn’t HAVE patience to wait for it.

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Blog Anika Drysdale Blog Anika Drysdale


Yesterday it was Johnathan’s birthday and I would guess the most normal of all of the ones he has had. He is 10 years old and we have seen him grow and develop and finally begin to learn how to make friends.

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Blog Anika Drysdale Blog Anika Drysdale

Toilet Training and Autism

Normally, you would expect someone to toilet train their child between approximately 18 months and 3 years. And you’d go through the normal process of them learning what wet, dry and dirty.

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