A collection of my poetry and prose.
Scroll down too see more.
Anika’s Thoughts of the Week 4
As I am lying here, trying to relax I thought to myself what can I share with you all that has not only helped me but might even help you.
Writing In Pain
Now, there has been very few days that I have been well. So I thought the only thing for it is to write when the pain is agony.
Anika’s Pick of the week 13
There are times in life where you have to advocate on behalf of yourself or someone else.
Advocating, hmmmmm
Well, yes, there is advocating and advocating. I have tried a number of times to achieve getting things that we need as a family.
Do you have friends?
I don’t know if you’ve noticed from my writing. but I believe that having friends is a very important part of life.
Anika’s Thoughts of the Week 3
This has been quite an interesting week in some respects. Some of it has been funny, some hard, and other times I have found life totally overwhelming.
Do you ever make a mistake? What do you do?
Well, this morning I woke needing to go to the bathroom. Then I realised Kevin was still in bed and it was 8.10 in the morning.
Anika’s Pick of the Week 12
Today one of my friends that I hadn’t seen or spoken to for a number of years, messaged me to let me know that she’s sadly been diagnosed with cancer.
Anika’s Thoughts of the Week 2
This week Johnathan has been having the October holiday. I think it’s the same as a half term holiday in the England schools.
Things never last
Well, that’s quite a negative title for me. But you can see it’s true. They just don’t.
Faith? In Yourself?
Yes, faith in yourself, and in others. Because they are two different sides of the same coin.
Do you have Faith?
I was watching or listening to something that asked the question and I began to think about the many ways we have faith and what we have faith in.
Anika’s Thoughts of the week 1
You know, we have to think of our children but the way we do so is key. As Johnathan continues to grow and develop, the way ew parent him changes.
Anika’s pick of the week 10
I want to talk about reading. It is an important skill that is important to teach and the importance of learning to do so.
Reflections On Marriage
I’ve been thinking about relationships lately. Sometimes do you get on well with someone instantly?
Anika’s Pick of the Week
Well, I don’t make things as the month of October reminds me of my six children in heaven and just how grateful I am that Johnathan is here.
Language and autism
I don’t know if you have ever noticed but it happens to me, time and again with both Kevin and Johnathan.
Electronic Games
As some of you have probably realised, I was born before electronic games really took off in the world. The games were (to me anyway) painfully slow and annoying.
Diagnosis or not?
Although I have known Johnathan was autistic since he was about 4 months old and only moved on his back in circles.