A collection of my poetry and prose.
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New Word And Other Things
Some weeks ago I hadn’t been feeling great for some time and (if you’re a regular reader) you’ll know the word – smallerise.
Anika’s Pick of the Week
I was just doing a colour sheet and it said something that made me stop and think. “Choose the bloom that makes you blossom.
I want to say something
One of my greatest weaknesses is giving into people that I put on a pedestal and begin to believe that what they say is right.
They Lie In Fields
They lie in fields of the unknown dead, All a brother, sister, wife, husband or friend, But they simply don’t each walk back home, And are mourned with every bated breath.
Thinking about creating things
I was just reading something that spoke to me about creating things and the conclusion of it all was that she created because it was life to her.
What would I do?
What on earth would I do If the world was open to me? Would I move to the seaside And hear the roar of the ocean?
Help! My dog’s autistic! Lol
Maisie has always been unusual. She was sold to us as a cavachon but everyone things she is a Miniature Poodle.
Leave Behind
I’ve been thinking about things that people leave behind - generally the terms of which are encapsulated in a will or other type of documentation.
Anika’s Pick of the Week 2
Hello everyone, Anika here. I just want to apologize for the second one being so much later than a week. Mentally, I was not in a good place.
Sensory Gardens
I’ve just been watching a programme on the television where a group pf people came in and built a sensory garden for a particular family.
Losing Things
And finding them as well, actually. It is really easy for ANY child to lose things, but it’s easier generally speaking for children on the spectrum to lose things.
Anxiety and Depression Toolbox
Did you ever play hide and seek when you were a child? I used to like it very much and played it quite a bit when with friends.
Hide and Seeking with things
Did you ever play hide and seek when you were a child? I used to like it very much and played it quite a bit when with friends.
Kevin’s birthday
Well today is his birthday and it has been a great day. To see him develop and change through the years we have been together has been extraordinary.
Medication and wheelchairs
Anyone who has a chronic condition tends to be on medication and/or using a form of walking aid - moving from sticks, to crutches.
Effects of a seizure
I wasn’t quite sure what to call this, to be honest with you. First, I want to start with thoughts about my seizure and afterwards and the long term effects you probably have no idea of, if you haven’t faced it or learned about it.
Cooking Shows
Do you ever watch cooking shows? I love watching them, but the thing I enjoy the most is when it’s a competition and the contestants help each other when they are stuck.
The Olympics
Yes, I know I don’t often talk about them, but actually, I do enjoy watching some of the events. Anything with horses, gymnastics in all its forms, and ice skating.