A collection of my poetry and prose.
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Clothes and clothing with autism
You’ve probably read my last posts with me the telling you about Sensory Processing Disorder (or SPD in shortened form). You see it can impact people.
Negative into positive
Earlier the week I had a medical appointment that had been rebooked from a few weeks ago. I was not able to do the procedure the first time because I was on antibiotics.
My brain’s fried
Do you ever get to the stage you just can’t simply make ANOTHER decision because there are just far too many to make?
Feel the fear
I actually was just thinking about this. One year I read a book all about feeling the fear but going on and doing it. Now, I have been considering the fact that we don’t tend to mention the differences in simple fears and actual long held anxiety.
Being prepared for autism
Although I had read a lot of books and talked to different people and had some knowledge of autism myself, nothing prepares you for the sheer effort and consideration.
Unexpected things and anxiety
It can be quite hard to live with sudden events happening. But life throws them up and suddenly glitches are part of life and there is nothing we can do to prevent them occurring in life.
The Longevity of Marriage
Kevin and I got married in 2009, so I can’t say from experience about a 30 or 40 year marriage from personal experience.
Have I got some news for you?
So, what is this exciting news? Well, I AM ON ETSY! Goodness, there’s something so exciting on opening something new up and seeing what happens.
Life Can Be Interesting
Do you know, I’ve been thinking of different things today. Well, I guess we all do, but it’s been quite a day already.
Thoughts on why I love etching
Well, as you have read in a previous post or can check up, I got to wondering and contemplating exactly WHY I love etching so much.
When your thoughts go a wandering
Lions, lions everywhere? Why lions? Well, I thought it was brought about because Johnathan has a “happy napper” that he sleeps in (rather than a sleeping bag) rather like a tiger.
Advantage or Disadvantage?
I was thinking about the royal family the other day, especially thinking of the children of the Prince and Princess of Wales and how their mother has been so poorly that she was in hospital.
Taking Credit For What You Do
Johnathan was doing something on his ipad that I hadn’t seen him do before and he told me he was doing a bit of FlipaClip most days.
Talking of triggers
Well, you wouldn’t believe what happened to me today. Actually, technically it wasn’t intended for me in the first place but there you go.
Triggers For You
Have you ever sat and thought that someone said or did something that made you feel uncomfortable?
We don’t always get things right
None of us are perfect so we don’t always get things right, even if we mean well. I have put myself in a precarious position many times, as I am sure you have, too.
Do we forget?
You often hear people say “oh, just forget it and move on.” And yes, for some situations that may be the correct thing to do. If someone is fixated on something another person does.
Cats Are Funny
I don’t know if you know much about cats or have had one or two or whatever in your care. There are so many stories and photos on the internet of cats.
So here I am
So here I am in the middle of the night, writing again. It is a habit many writers possess. Well, actually many creative people do. And that’s ok.