A collection of my poetry and prose.
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Homework and autism
That dreaded word for many parents, not just myself in this world. And not people with special education needs either. I remember the challenges I had doing homework, myself.
Have you thought?
Have you ever looked at someone or something and thought you could be like that or that you were like that? I know it can happen – well, it’s happened to me so I’m sure it’s happened to you.
Children’s need for us
We already know that our babies need and depend on us for their very survival but as they get older and begin to grow.
I Want a Child
I know if you’ve read my previous blogs, Johnathan is not my first child. Four of his siblings are enjoying the pleasures of heaven
Routine and autism
Well you’ve probably heard that autistic people like routine, And I want to express to you the importance of it. I have tried to be routine conscious.
Listening and Autism
One of the biggest issues there are with some with autism is listening. Or should it be focus? I’m not sure really which one it should be.
I was wondering if you have ever noticed that you change as you grow older? Not in like years, or anything like that but I am talking about your tastes.
Packing Up Christmas
Today we finally had Christmas in our house packed up. I know we are after Epiphany or 6th Jan as it is in most of the UK, but we couldn’t, so it was today for us.
Starting School Again
This can be very traumatic for both adults and children alike. They have no say in the matter and with children on the spectrum.
Understanding masking and autism
You’ve probably heard me speaking about masking and autism. This can be very difficult to understand and accept.
Understanding and Autism
Well, well, well. Why am I going to talk about this? The problem starts when the child is born and the things they have to do to help their children before their autism diagnosis.
Special Time With Anyone
I was thinking about this and wondered HOW you actually get to spend special time with someone. Is it the “traditional” way?
So Relieved!
When it comes around to Christmas, you don’t want problems or difficulties, or okay maybe minor ones that you could only get single cream and not double cream.
There’s nothing like
There’s noting like a good Christmas when everybody has a wonderful time and enjoy not only their presents but the company.and food - everything, in fact.
Pick Your Own Adventure series and autism
Did you ever get given these for your Christmas as a child and your parents thought they could be thankful for an hour of peace and quiet.
Thoughts on Christmas
I’ve been thinking about Christmas this year and what we can consider to be good and bad ones. And why we make a judgement on it.
Here we go
I was going to use dictation but got SO FRUSTRATED because it thought I wanted music, then it decided to send me news and dictation went out the window.
Autism and Christmas
I don’t know about you, but in my mind I had many ideas of how Christmas would be when I had children.