A collection of my poetry and prose.
Scroll down too see more.
So Relieved!
When it comes around to Christmas, you don’t want problems or difficulties, or okay maybe minor ones that you could only get single cream and not double cream.
There’s nothing like
There’s noting like a good Christmas when everybody has a wonderful time and enjoy not only their presents but the company.and food - everything, in fact.
Pick Your Own Adventure series and autism
Did you ever get given these for your Christmas as a child and your parents thought they could be thankful for an hour of peace and quiet.
Thoughts on Christmas
I’ve been thinking about Christmas this year and what we can consider to be good and bad ones. And why we make a judgement on it.
Here we go
I was going to use dictation but got SO FRUSTRATED because it thought I wanted music, then it decided to send me news and dictation went out the window.
Autism and Christmas
I don’t know about you, but in my mind I had many ideas of how Christmas would be when I had children.
Autism and ADHD
I said I would write a bit more about my experiences with autism. Did you know that autism and ADHD are very closely related?
To all my followers, I have suffered an injury to my fingers and have been told to keep off it for four to six weeks.
Support and autism
Well, as you know from the many times I have told you the autism spectrum is massive and you can be completely non-verbal.
Getting Assessed for Autism
Do you know, I think this is one of the hardest and longest things I have had to battle on behalf of my son ever? It takes YEARS. And it’s not an easy road to travel, either.
Interesting Experience/Episode
The other day I had the professional organiser Elaine round and as usual the time spent with her was unique, personal and special.
Due to unforeseen circumstances we haven’t been able to finish the books so they will be produced next year instead.
I Give You Permission, to be Yourself
I give you permission to be, The person you never knew, The one shut up inside you, Not daring to make a move.
Anticipation and Autism
There are two types of Anticipation I believe - when you expect something good or something bad. For example you can look forward to a birthday party, or you can dread a letter.
Cuddles are the best
“Cuddles are the best, aren’t they? She said with a smile on her face. Nothing better than being a friend. And getting the cuddles you need.
I’m not eating that! It tastes of mint
There is a common reality that nearly all parents/carers/guardians of autism face. I don’t know if you know but there is often a problem with people on the spectrum regarding food.
Wedding Dresses
I don’t know if I have told you that one of the things I enjoy is watching wedding things on tv. And sometimes they can be stressful because of the person.
Getting Moving as Autistic Brains
Johnathan wanted me to talk about getting moving. When you want someone on the autistic spectrum to move.
One of the things I have discovered as a positive thing about myself, I guess, is that I tend to contemplate on a lot of things.