A collection of my poetry and prose.
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Echolalia and Autism
This is quite an interesting one when you consider the fact that there are already issues with speech already.
Hiding and Finding things with autism
I was talking to a friend this morning and she was talking to me about her grandson. He’s about a year old and getting very interested in things.
Frustration and autism
I don’t know how much you know about frustration levels and autism, but it can be the thing that leads to a meltdown.
Autism and what to do
Have you ever thought a child has done something really weird and for no reason that you can see at all?
Friendship and autism
I guess this is quite a weird one for me to write about. You see, neither Kevin nor Johnathan believed in friendship particularly, or were bothered by it.
Masking and the Autism Spectrum
Masking? What is it? Well, you can be glad that I am here to give you the answer to that. It’s not a subject often raised to parents who don’t have children on the spectrum.
A Curve Ball Day and Autism
This has definitely been a weird day for us. There are so many things you do without thinking as parents/carer/guardian.
Parents/Carers/Guardians and Autism
One thing I would like to talk about is the impact on (ok I’m going to use this word for ease in the post) carers who is looking after a person with autism. Because, you see, it often doesn’t end.
Are Meltdowns anxiety?
was asking one of my friends if she felt that meltdowns were anxiety from her experiences?
Development and autism spectrum
Today I want to talk to you about development and the autism spectrum because they develop in different ways and times to other children.
Black and White Thinking and autism
Why black and white thinking? It’s the way that people on the spectrum think. I must admit, it can and has caused some problems or difficulties.
Finding and Finishing with Autism
I will admit that these two things are one of the areas I find difficult to deal with. But I do know that is my problem and not theirs.
Vision and Autism
You probably have realised that most babies and children like to look in your face and not only at what they are doing or what is in front of them.
Clothing and Autism
I must admit, even before Johnathan was born, I was considering my own clothing and what it might feel to the baby inside of me.
Meltdowns vs tantrums in Autism
I want to talk about the two different types of behaviour and need when you deal with a child on the spectrum. One is the common area of tantrums that you are used to dealing with.