Sleep Apnea
This last hospital trip where they sorted out the sleep apnea I think is what making a big difference to me. I was actually forced to STOP writing for a few days because the seizures were simply taking too much OUT of me. Nothing was more infuriating than to realise that I was not getting the right words out. And I felt like I just simply needed to rest and hoped the cpap machine would help me with this.
So now I have been on the cpap for a week and it has been really helping me. I was seeing my therapist who has been helping me work through my many issues. She actually said to me that since she first saw me, she has NEVER seen my face actually LOOKING RESTED but it was!
This was such an encouragement to me because I have known I can be testy when I get antsy and need something and my anxieties, depression and frustration can be evident to both Kevin and Johnathan. I love them both, but some days when my lines of communication fail for whatever reason, I have to pull back from things.
If you have trouble sleeping, it’s ALWAYS worth getting investigated by the doctor. When I did the paperwork on sleep apnea, I scored really high. Kevin thought I must have done some of it wrong, but no, I think he only came down a point or two.
Cpap machines are AMAZING if you need them. And quite honestly in spite of ALL my hospital visits I never had sleep apnea looked at but it was the one thing I needed.