Carol Concerts
There may have been carol concerts in the area but it’s not always easy to get into them, especially in a wheelchair. And there are different ones you can see – I watch them and derive great satisfaction from them.
I think I told you that I was surprised to find that I actually really didn’t enjoy the Carols from Kings? I have always done this for I can’t even remember how many years. And this one WASN’T enjoyable? Nope. Not for me. Now I know there will be others who don’t agree and that’s ok. You are totally allowed to disagree with me.
And there are of course, other Carol Services we can see on the television. I mean, you have the Royal one that gets organised by Princess Katherine. And truthfully, I actually enjoyed it far more than I even expected to. It was wonderful hearing the music and we also stayed up for midnight Mass.
But do you know something? It doesn’t matter whether I enjoy a programme more or less from one season or another in my life. There are some things that I love now more than anything in the world. As I have said before, and will state again, Kevin and Johnathan are my family and I wouldn’t be without them.
Everybody can change their tastes and that’s not important so we don’t have to apologise for what our tastes are.