Holidays but Rest

My very first thought was to write about holidays but I decided to talk about rest instead because each advert on either a series or program is about summer holidays I realised that all the messages were about getting away from it all, loving that you were having a break or a rest.

So I thought well maybe I should talk about resting.  Well, resting might be first before we talk about holidays.  Kevin and I were talking about being a  writer and having day/s off.  Well for me, that would always be a debatable thing because I never know WHEN I will get inspiration and sometimes I just need to write.  

But I would admit that now I actually believe in the fact I do actually NEED rest and a break.  It was in the last couple of hospital visits as an inpatient I decided to do a couple of days where I basically did NOTHING on the computer and just let the days go by me.  And I actually enjoyed them.

But however much we say it – not everybody believes they need rest and they pile thing upon thing on both themselves and children so that they have to do more and more so they don’t even GET any time to actually rest and be at peace one day a week! 

I have had to learn to come to the realisation that I need rest but surely, I can’t be alone in it?   If you do, let me know!


I am beginning to see the need for rest – do you see it in your life?


Anika’s Thoughts of the week 7


Silly things