Happy New Year 2025
Well this is my first post of the new year and I trust and pray that we always know that somebody is there for us in our time of need, whether it be friend, carer, family member, teacher – it doesn’t really matter. And that we would know and see them understand our sorrows and joys.
Last year I touched on the fact that I have tried resolutions and “words” to hang the frame of my whole year without success, so I was going to trial having intentions instead. And actually, in spite of all the different things that appeared to go wrong, there has always been something positive about them. Sometimes I have had to dig deep to find it.
You see, life is not always a positive experience. And for many, that maybe (as I do, too) sometimes I end up focusing on the bad and not the good I could live with. I guess what I’m actually trying to say here is that we need to be more intentional in our lives and how we can translate that to moving from a negative to a positive outlook.
I will admit, because it was my first year of trialling it, I didn’t actually do it with anyone last year (I can’t believe it’s ACTUALLY the new year!) and I will admit I wasn’t totally committed to it because I didn’t know if it would actually work and now this year, I am going to continue with my intentions.
I think the fact I said to myself that it didn’t matter if I gave up for a moment or days ahead. What mattered is the desire to continue. There is no condemnation or guilt to apportion to yourself.
And I guess really the essential point is that I was wondering if YOU might like to join with me in seeing how we can make a difference and becoming more intentional about what we do. If you would, please send me a message – my email is anika@anikaspeaks.com.
May God bless you and keep you over the course of the coming year and if you want to join me in my quest, I would be more than happy to hear from you.