Did you wonder?

I am sure you must have been wondering where I am and why I haven’t written for so long. Well I had a fall that has landed me in hospital and I’m still here.

Fourteen years ago on 12 February Natalie Marie Drysdale was stillborn. She went straight from my womb into the arms of God, as did six of our children. But we have our beautiful son Johnathan who we count as our special blessing.

Sometimes things don’t work out and that’s the way life is. Nothing lasts forever. But we need to live our lives and allow ourselves to remember the blessings and good things that happen .

I believe that every child is a gift whether they are in heaven or on earth. And we need to love and cherish them because we are their support network and the source of everything they need.

There is never, of course any idea of when you will leave hospital until you are nearer the point of departure and I will try and write as and when I can.

I want to give you the best of myself when I write to you. Until the doctors are satisfied they have done their best at helping me prevent more falls in the future, I will remain here


Words. Words. Just words.


Anika’s thoughts on Bake squad and cards against humanity